If an employer wants to hire EU citizen, he shall report on commencement/ termination of labor-legal relation with EU citizen to the competent Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family SR within 7 working days or on sending him/her to work performance on the due form in two copies .

The Office competence depends on work performance location. In case of more locations of work performance at the same employer, the Office residing in the employer´s registered office shall be informed.

In case of employing EU citizen and nationals of third countries that are not subject to employment permit, labor-legal relation can have form of labor contract or job agreement (work performed outside of labor contract). Third country national bearing the work permit can be employed only in the form of labor contract.

Third Country National Employment Permit

Third country national can be employed in territory of the Slovak Republic only if he/she bears employment permit and temporary stay permit for purpose of work, except otherwise stated in the Employment Service Act.

Third country national shall apply for employment permit on his/her own or empower the future employer to do so.

If the work permit issuance institution takes in account labor market situation, the employer shall report on job vacancy at least 14 calendar days prior to application filing.

The application shall be attached with:

Officially verified certificate of acquired education degree, translated to Slovak language by official translator
Full power of representation,
Copy of the passport page containing the applicant´s data,
Employment promise,
Copy of job reporting,
In case of sending the employee to work – verified copy of the contract in Slovak language,
The Office shall decide on issuance of employment permit within 30 days from the application receipt.
Application filing isn´t subject to any administration fee.

Employment permit is issued for duration of labor contract but max. for two years.

The awarded employment permit refers to the grounds for issuance of temporary stay permit issuance for purpose of employment. Application for temporary stay permit is filed at the SR Embassy in abroad or in extraordinary cases at the Foreign Police Department ( ).

The Office shall decide on issuance of employment permit within 30 days from the application receipt.

Temporary stay permit for purpose of employment is issued within 90 days from the date of filed application.

Documents filed for purpose of obtaining temporary stay shall not be older than 90 days.

The Blue EU card

Blue EU card is a form of temporary stay entitling a third country national to enter, stay and work in SR territory during period for which the blue card was issued to him/her by the Police Department.

Employment permit is issued for period of labor contract duration but max. for two years; it is issued regardless the third country national´s qualification. The awarded employment permit refers to the grounds for issuance of temporary stay permit issuance for purpose of employment. The Police Department shall decide on application for temporary stay permit within 90 days.

Blue card is issued for duration of labor contract but max. for three years. It is intended to third country nationals who will work on positions with high qualification. The blue card refers to temporary stay permit and the bearer – third country national – is not obliged to apply for employment permit. The Police Department shall decide on application for blue card issuance within 30 days from delivery of a complete request.